


Epoxy Self Levelling System Products



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A self-smoothening, seamless epoxy resin based on advanced solvent-free epoxy system and selected graded fillers. The cured floor exhibits excellent resistant to abrasion and finishes to smooth, impervious surface which can be easily maintained in a hygienic condition. The system can also be an anti-static where it helps to discharges static charges.

Attractive - Light reflectance appearance.

Hygienic - Seamless & hygienic finish, no crevies where dirt and bacteria can dwell. Easy to clean & sterilize, low maintenance requirement.

Range of colours - Enhances working environment.

Food grade - Non solvent and taint free formulation.

Hard wearing - Good abrasion resistance with stands foot and light vehicular traffic.

Recommended uses:

Suitable for use in areas where a durable, cleanable, chemically resistant floor surface is required without the attended risks of static build-up.

Typical areas for dry process manufacturing, packaging and warehousing subjected to intensive wheeled & forklift traffic.

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