


Patented 4 Stage Bio-Ceramic Filter (880000025) Water Filters


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Made in Korea

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About Patented 4 Stage Bio-Ceramic Filter

Laboratory Proven And Tested

  • FDA-tested
  • HSA-tested
  • 100% Chlorine-Free
  • Remove heavy metal
  • Remove harmful chemicals and toxins
  • Remove 99.9% of germs and viruses
  • Emits Far Infrared
  • Remove harmful radioactive isotopes


Patented 4 Stage Bio-Ceramic Filters

• Remove heavy metals

• Remove harmful chlorine

• Remove rust, sediments & impurities

• Effectively block bacteria & viruses

Patented 4 Stage Bio-Ceramic Filtration System

1st Sediment Filter

• Primary filtration

• Removes 5 – 10 µm pore size sediments (rust and suspended solids)

2nd UF Membrane Filter

• Remove 0.01 µm impurities

• Effectively block bacteria and viruses

• Reduce harmful TTHM (Trihalomethane)

• Reduce VOC (volatile organic compounds) Reduce radiation fallout

3rd AOA Filter

• Anti-Oxidant Alkaline Filter

• Alkaline water 8 – 9 pH

• Ionized water with oxidation reduction potential [ORP] (-150mV ~ -200mV)

• Emit useful minerals

• Patent registered technology

4th Magma-Q Filter

FDA tested ceramic which emits far infrared and radiant energy with strong sterilizing power.

• Keep water bacteria free

• Remove heavy metals

• Remove radioactive isotopes

• Smaller watr micro-clusters

• Supply essential minerals (Ca, Mg, K, Na etc.)

• Remove residual chlorine

What is Magma Q?

Magma Q is prominent outstanding for sterilizing. Magma Q is a kind of artificially synthesized jeolite, which emits far infrared and radiant energy. It does not change water's composition, taste and smell. So the water treated with Magma Q has a just same taste of mineral water. Magma Q has strong sterilizing power on all hospital bacterias, which are contagious by water. Magma Q has very strong sterilizing power against cholera, paratyphoid, typhoid, staphylococcus, yellow staphylococcus, diphtheria fungus, spirillum. Because of its unique characteristics, Magma Q removes harmful heavy metal and radioactive isotope such as lead, Cesium 137, Cadmium, Strontium 90 dissolved in water.

And the water which Magma Q was added to has abundant inorganic minerals, and the ration of Calcium and Magnesium become more than 3:1, which improves to control harmful activity oxygen. Also Magma Q can make alkaline water. It kills general bacteria of the water inside. And it keeps clean water for one year without any other changes of water quality.


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