


BERGER Undercoat

BERGER Undercoat

Last Update 10 Feb 2022



Berger undercoat is a high opacity and high solid undercoat that will effectively hide the substrate and impart a good film build to the overall coating system. It is used as an intermediate coat as part of an alkyd coating system for use on both interior and exterior ferrous surfaces, wood and timber products etc.

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Excellent Flow and Levelling (Gives a smooth and even finish by levelling itself, even when applied with a brush or roller.)

Tested and certified under PSB Product Listing Scheme to SS34:1998

Excellent Inter-coat Adhesion (Adheres strongly to both the substrate and the top coat thereby providing a durable protection against corrosion.)

Excellent barrier protection (Imparts a good film build to the overall coating system forming a barrier against corrosion.)

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