What is the difference between Gateman G Swipe and WF 20?
Published: 1 Apr 2020
We recently have been getting questions regarding the differences between the Gateman G Swipe and WF 20. Both have the same features but there is a price difference. So, what is the difference?
In general, they are both good locks in the small fingerprint digital locks industry. Gateman makes the best and proven fingerprint locks over the last 10 years. We like to say: buy the one that looks best to you because that may matter more to you (how it looks). But if you are looking for other perspectives, we have posted a comparison table below for additional perspectives.
In summary, we believe Gateman G-Swipe delivers unparalleled premium build quality in the small fingerprint rim locks category. This is expected as Gateman is Korea’s #1#1#1#1 digital lock manufacturer and this company is dedicated to digital locks. In the non-premium category, the Gateman WF20 is definitely the one to go for as it is a well proven lock in the history of digital locks – and it shares some common attributes as the Gateman G-Swipe.
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