Selection of Tooling for Traffic Line Eraser HT-4190



There are two types of tools. There are 16-PIN-Steel-Cutter and 24-Pin-Steel-Cutter

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ModelApplicationSurface FinishMostly use at places
16-Pin-Steel-CutterTo erase thick film of thermoplastic markings, traffic paint, pavement markings, road surface marking, preformed tapes, uneven spots on concrete or asphalt surfaces.
Very Coarse Surface
Airport landing strip (runway), road, car park, etc.
24-Pin-Steel-CutterTo erase thin film of thermoplastic markings, traffic paint, pavement markings, road surface marking on concrete or asphalt surfaces.
Coarse Surface
Airport landing strip (runway), road, car park, etc.

These are the tools that suitable for Traffic Line Eraser HT-4190

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