

Mata Wang

Vertical Machining Center (Linear) - TL 750

Vertical Machining Center (Linear) - TL 750



High efficiency with perfect accuracy. Kaifeng Machinery have held true to the traditional production method, and the materials that are chosen have known as the best in the industry. This machine will satisfy your needs and provide you with the best efficiency.

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  • KFM insists to use MIT (Made In Taiwan) casting only to offer our users the best quality assurance. Lasting metal cutting precision accuracy and cutting tool life extension. Y-shaped interior design deliver a solid foundation and support to the accurate dynamism.

Ball Screw

  • All products are equipped with C3 class ball screws to ensure high positioning accuracy. The ball screw pretension design is applied to all axes to effectively minimize the backlash compensation of the machine body needed. The repeatability and positioning accuracy is highly secured.


  • Roller type linear guideways are implemented for all the TL series products. With the equipment of rolling guideways, faster run times and the ability to hold tighter tolerance is secured. Less vibration damping is better conquered as roller-type guideways deflect less under repeated and varying loads. Less vibration improves cutting capacity and part surface finish, and results in longer tool life.


  • All the TL series products are equipped with direct driven spindle with the advantage of rapid wind up and down time. Efficient production with easier maintenance.

Controller-Fanuc 0i-MF α
-Fanuc 0i-MF β
-Mitsubishi M70A
Spindle driven type-Direct
Spindle speedrpm12,000/10,000
Spindle taper-BT-40
Spindle drive motorkw5.5/7.5
Spindle to worktablemm100-600
X-axis travelmm750
Y-axis travelmm500
Z-axis travelmm500
Cutting feed ratem/min10
Rapid feed ratem/min36
3-axis guide width (X/Y/Z)mm30/30/35
Screw diameter/threadmmφ40/P16
Surface (LxW)mm850x500
T-slot (QTYxWxD)mm5x14x100
Maximum workpiece loadkg500
Tool changertypeArm
Tool magazine capacitypcsBT-40/20T
Tool selection-Two-way
Maximum tool lengthmm300
Tool diametermmφ80 (φ150 Heavy Tool)
Maximum tool loadkg7
Pull studdegree45 (90)
Chip conveyor-Dual screw
Electricity powervoltage220V
Floor space (LxWxH)mm2621x2630x2496
Net weightkg4,000
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