

Mata Wang

Cosway - Nn Bergamonte®

Cosway - Nn Bergamonte®

Kali terakhir kemas kini 10 Feb 2022


/ Unit

Bergamot is an Italian super fruit for vibrant health. Bergamot's juice was traditionally recognised by locals as a remedy for cardiovascular health. Bergamot is packed with unique and powerful natural compounds that cannot be found in other citrus fruits. Take just 1 natural food instead of countless supplements and see improvement in stubborn health concerns in just 30 days. 2 for $26.00

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Clinically tested with published, peer reviewed studies

Utilises internationally patented extraction technologies i.e US patent: 20110223271, Europe patent: EP 2364158B1 World and Intellectual Property patent: WO 2010/055490A3

Contains more than 30% unique profile of flavonoids consisting of naringin, neohesperidin, neoeriocitrin, melitidine, brutieridine

Superior antioxidant potency (ORAC value 22269 umol TE/g) to tackle free radicals in the body, fighting inflammation that causes most of our health problems.


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