

Mata Wang

Gold Karat Densimeters

Kali terakhir kemas kini



Keeping up with the latest trends, we strive to achieve utmost customer satisfaction. We, as a Supplier and Exporter of Gold Karat Densimeter, deliver immaculate quality to our customers. The raw material used in the manufacturing is of high-grade quality. Our vendors assure us in terms of meeting the standards of quality set by industry. For our valued customers, we make quick delivery of the densimeter at their doorstep.

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Features :

  • Easy 2 step operation—measure in air & measured in water to give instantaneous results in karat Karat Reading Lo - 10.1~24.0 -Hi
  • Used as normal weighing balance to 0.002g
  • Also measure purity of silver , copper or Alloy of silver and copper ( proportion setting 3:7, 4:6, 5.5, 6:4 , 7:3)
  • Pure and distilled water is used a s testing medium
  • Spacious tank to reduce buoyancy error
  • Automatic temperature compensation or manual temperature compensation with thermometer
  • Calibration mass provided for operation accuracy
  • RS232C and inbuilt software to provide Printed result
  • Hollowed ornament or inlaid stones cannot be check
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