


Mitsubishi Control (三菱 控制器 零件 与 配件)

The Mitsubishi company was established as a shipping firm by Iwasaki Yatarō (1834–1885) in 1870. In 1873, its name was changed to Mitsubishi Shokai. The name Mitsubishi (三菱) consists of two parts: "mitsu" (三) meaning "three" and "hishi" (菱, which becomes "bishi" under rendaku) meaning "water caltrop", and hence "rhombus", which is reflected in the company's logo. It is also translated as "three diamonds"

三菱集团(Mitsubishi Group)是由原先日本三菱财阀解体后的公司共同组成的一个松散的实体,Mitsubishi这个名字中的mitsu表示“三”,而bishi表示“菱角”。