


Manual Pulse Generator ( MPG ) 电子手轮 脉冲发生器

A manual pulse generator (MPG) is a device for generating electrical pulses (short bursts of low current) in electronic systems, under the control of a human operator (manually), as opposed to the pulses automatically generated by software. MPGs are used on computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools, on some microscopes, and on other devices that use precise component positioning.

电子手轮即手摇脉冲发生器(Manual Pulse Generator,也称为手轮,手脉,手动脉波发生器等),用于教导式CNC 机械工作原点设定、步进微调与中断插入等动作,另外在印刷机械上也广泛的使用电子手轮。