


எங்களை பற்றி

We are the experts in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. We have a portfolio of industrial and electrical systems majoring in the mechanical, hydraulic and pneumaticsystem production line. We are also a manufacturer of Safety Training Machine Simulators

Our past projects has been entrusted by major industry players such as YOKOGAWA, Nitomo, Nippon steel Zumikin steel, Nitomo, MHE-Demag, NS BlueScope lysaght, ZIESO parker store and so on.

பதிவு செய்யப்பட்ட பெயர்Sro Kruawong Engineering Service and Supply Co., Ltd
வணிக பதிவு எண்0215553004703
வர்த்தக வகைஉற்பத்தியாளர் / தயாரிப்பாளர், மொத்த விற்பனையாளர்

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